Myself and My Heroes (2020) is a video made for the online iteration of She Unfolds, an exhibition by Alessandra Abballe and Sara Knelman exhibited at Artspace Gallery. Referencing David Hockney’s 1961 work of the same name, the video explores images, video clips, books and articles that have informed thinking on heroism and its relationship to gender throughout history. During a moment in time when image archives and libraries were physically inaccessible,  this video uses screen recording in order to reveal connections made between different source material and highlight the stories of women that often operate in the margins of “the hero’s journey”.

Myself and My Heroes (2020), 12:14, Single channel video, 2020

Myself and My Heroes (2020), 12:14, Single channel video, 2020

Myself and My Heroes (2020), 12:14, Single channel video, 2020
Copyright Alessandra Abballe 2024